Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder
An Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder (OMD) is a condition characterized by abnormal muscle patterns and habits involving the tongue, lips, and jaws. These disorders can manifest in various ways, including one or a combination of the following issues: improper tongue posture, difficulty with chewing or swallowing, speech articulation challenges, and abnormal growth and development of the facial and dental structures. The goal of therapy for OMD is to correct these dysfunctional patterns and establish proper muscle function and habits, leading to improved speech, swallowing, and overall orofacial health.
Why should OMDs concern me?
OMDs may negatively impact dental and facial growth patterns, particularly dental eruption patterns or alignment of the teeth and jaws. Research has shown that the consistent pressure from the resting posture of the tongue against the teeth is more influenctial in malocclusions than an incorrect swallowing pattern (tongue thrust). Constant pressure of the tongue against the teeth at rest can slow orthodontic treatment and undermine the stability of the orthodontic correction. Speech patterns may become distorted or misarticulated due to the low forward postural positioning of the tongue.
Some indicators of these OMDs include:
Frequent mouth breathing in the absence of allergies or nasal congestion.
Frequent open-lips resting posture.
Habitual low tongue resting posture against the upper/lower teeth.
Lips are often dry, chapped, cracked and sore from excessive licking.
Tongue protruding between or against the upper/lower front teeth when forming /s/, /z/, /t/, /d/, /n/, /l/, /sh/ and /j/.
During the act of swallowing, the lips squeeze and the chin has a tightened appearance.
Noisy chewing and swallowing (smacking and gulping).
When Should Therapy Begin?
The age of the individual is not as important as their maturity level and the motivation to succeed. Early intervention, such as elimination of sucking habits or assessment of other causative factors may help prevent OMDs. Children as young as five years may benefit from a comprehensive evaluation to determine if any preventative steps may be of benefit. Children of 7 or 8 years of age are often ready for the full Orofacial Rest Posture Therapy program
How are OMDs Corrected
Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs) are corrected through a specialized therapy known as Orofacial Rest Posture Therapy. This therapy aims to establish proper tongue resting posture, promote closed-lips nasal breathing, and correct eating, drinking, swallowing patterns, as well as any related speech articulation issues. The process involves:
Tailoring a program of exercises and techniques to develop and retrain the oral/facial muscles.
Applying these new muscle patterns consciously in chewing, swallowing, and resting postures.
Integrating these patterns subconsciously for lasting change.
Orthodontic adjustments and nasal airway assessments may precede therapy to support correct function. The duration of treatment varies, depending on the individual's needs and commitment to the therapy plan.
Temporomandibular Joint Disorder
TMD is a type of jaw pain that occurs in the sliding hinge of your jaw bone.
Tongue Tie / Lip Tie
Ankyloglossia (a.k.a. tongue tie) is a common problem in children that can disrupt feeding and speech
Tongue Thrust
When your child does not swallow properly, their tongue can push their teeth out of alignment. This means a trip to the orthodontist.
Mouth Breathing Habits
Mouth breathing habits impact proper dental and craniofacial development.